Jarryd Chislett's current holdings are as follows:

Disclaimer: Yes the game now has Bitcoin in it due to overwhelming interest. Note that technically you can't invest in Bitcoin, just like you can't invest in gold. All you can do is speculate that someone will buy it from you for more than you paid. A true investment is something which generates value, like shares in a profit making company, a property you can rent out or even cash in an account that pays more interest than the inflation rate. Bitcoin, like gold, won't do any of this, it'll just sit there hoping that someday someone will be willing to buy it for more than you paid. Please make sure you are aware of the potentially huge risks involved with speculation, particularly with something unproven over long periods of time.

Total dividends received: R51 837,20
Cash on hand (including dividends): R318 075,83 (21.94% of portfolio)
Total fees paid: R4 565,64
Net profit on share sales: R4 404,00
Tax on profit (reflected on leaderboard): R1 321,20

CodeNameNo. of sharesAve. cost (excl fees)Current price% growthValue% of portfolio
ACL ArcelorMittal SA Limited 12395 538 895 66.36% R110 935,25 7.65%
BTC Crypto: 0.01 Bitcoins 19 487308 794000 62.94% R150 860,00 10.41%
EOH EOH HOLDINGS LTD 2786 860 616 -28.37% R17 161,76 1.18%
LEW LEWIS GROUP LTD 900 2680 4602 71.72% R41 418,00 2.86%
MFL METROFILE HOLDINGS LTD 10000 279 344 23.3% R34 400,00 2.37%
MTN MTN GROUP LTD 400 8740 17094 95.58% R68 376,00 4.72%
PPC PPC Limited 32862 178 508 186.13% R166 938,96 11.52%
RMH RMB HOLDINGS LTD 44600 123 149 21.14% R66 454,00 4.58%
SOL Sasol Limited 229 19098 26079 36.55% R59 720,91 4.12%
SSW Sibanye Stillwater Limited 7450 6047 4950 -18.14% R368 775,00 25.44%
STXFIN Satrix FINI Portfolio 1700 1198 1473 22.95% R25 041,00 1.73%
STXRES SATRIX RESI PORTFOLIO 300 6514 7098 8.97% R21 294,00 1.47%

Total worth after tax: R1 448 129,51

Transaction History

Transaction dateCodeNameNo. of sharesPriceValue incl. fees 
2021-01-15 13:26:10 RBX RAUBEX GROUP LTD 900 2240 R20 280,00  
2021-01-15 13:28:46 PPC PPC Limited 13000 148 R19 360,00  
2021-01-15 13:30:58 STXFIN Satrix FINI Portfolio 1700 1198 R20 486,00  
2021-01-15 13:31:12 STXRES SATRIX RESI PORTFOLIO 300 6514 R19 662,00  
2021-01-15 13:37:47 DIVTRX CoreShares S&P South Africa Dividend Aristocrats 900 2161 R19 569,00  
2021-02-02 11:59:44 LEW LEWIS GROUP LTD 1800 2680 R48 432,96  
2021-02-02 12:00:51 MFL METROFILE HOLDINGS LTD 10000 279 R28 020,00  
2021-02-02 12:01:33 PPC PPC Limited 15000 156 R23 520,00  
2021-02-05 07:13:08 LEW LEWIS GROUP LTD -900 2655 -R23 775,00  
2021-02-05 07:13:21 EOH EOH HOLDINGS LTD 2786 860 R24 079,60  
2021-03-03 19:10:56 SSW Sibanye Stillwater Limited 750 7376 R55 541,28  
2021-03-03 19:12:05 SOL Sasol Limited 229 19098 R43 909,36  
2021-04-01 07:20:42 RBX RAUBEX GROUP LTD -900 2840 -R25 440,00  
2021-04-01 07:52:30 MTN MTN GROUP LTD 400 8740 R35 099,84  
2021-04-01 07:52:52 SSW Sibanye Stillwater Limited 700 6610 R46 455,08  
2021-04-01 07:54:22 ACT AFROCENTRIC INV CORP LTD 10000 460 R46 184,00  
2021-05-03 09:33:07 RMH RMB HOLDINGS LTD 25000 123 R30 873,00  
2021-05-03 09:34:06 PPC PPC Limited 4862 323 R15 824,26  
2021-05-03 09:38:17 RMH RMB HOLDINGS LTD 19600 123 R24 228,00  
2021-05-10 13:55:49 SSW Sibanye Stillwater Limited 606 6883 R41 877,82  
2021-05-18 07:26:58 ACT AFROCENTRIC INV CORP LTD -10000 445 -R44 380,00  
2021-05-18 07:27:12 DIVTRX CoreShares S&P South Africa Dividend Aristocrats -900 2242 -R20 058,00  
2021-05-18 07:27:24 ACL ArcelorMittal SA Limited 12395 538 R66 951,84  
2021-06-21 07:41:46 BTC Crypto: 0.01 Bitcoins 19 487308 R92 958,87  
2021-09-03 07:28:37 SSW Sibanye Stillwater Limited 5394 5695 R308 417,05  

Dividend History, if a dividend is missing please go here

LDTCodeNameNo. of sharesDividend per shareTotal dividend
2021-03-16 SSW Sibanye Stillwater Limited 750 256.80 R1 926,00
2021-03-29 MFL METROFILE HOLDINGS LTD 10000 5.60 R560,00
2021-05-04 RMH RMB HOLDINGS LTD 44600 64.00 R28 544,00
2021-05-11 ACT AFROCENTRIC INV CORP LTD 10000 13.60 R1 360,00
2021-05-25 RBX RAUBEX GROUP LTD 0 23.20 R0,00
2021-07-20 LEW LEWIS GROUP LTD 900 156.00 R1 404,00
2021-09-14 SSW Sibanye Stillwater Limited 7450 233.60 R17 403,20
2021-09-28 MFL METROFILE HOLDINGS LTD 10000 6.40 R640,00
2021-11-09 ACT AFROCENTRIC INV CORP LTD 0 13.60 R0,00
2021-11-30 RBX RAUBEX GROUP LTD 0 37.60 R0,00