timmotouch's current holdings are as follows:

Total dividends received: R8 270,00
Cash on hand (including dividends): R767 157,24 (58.95% of portfolio)
Total fees paid: R1 757,28
Net profit on share sales: R0,00
Tax on profit (reflected on leaderboard): R0,00

CodeNameNo. of sharesAve. cost (excl fees)Current price% growthValue% of portfolio
AFP Alex Forbes Eq hldgs Ltd 5000 1440 1799 24.93% R89 950,00 6.91%
CML CORONATION FUND MNGRS LD 1500 5924 7963 34.42% R119 445,00 9.18%
CPI CAPITEC BANK HLDGS LTD 500 18064 20304 12.4% R101 520,00 7.8%
MMI MMI Holdings Limited 1000 2113 2480 17.37% R24 800,00 1.91%
OMN OMNIA HOLDINGS LTD 1000 16701 19848 18.84% R198 480,00 15.25%

Total worth after tax: R1 301 352,24

Transaction History

Transaction dateCodeNameNo. of sharesPriceValue incl. fees 
2013-06-03 18:27:59 OMN OMNIA HOLDINGS LTD 1000 16701 R167 678,04 Pending  
2013-06-03 18:33:48 CPI CAPITEC BANK HLDGS LTD 500 18064 R90 681,28 Pending  
2013-06-03 18:39:32 CML CORONATION FUND MNGRS LD 1500 5924 R89 215,44 Pending  
2013-06-18 14:49:22 MMI MMI Holdings Limited 1000 2113 R21 250,00 Pending  
2013-06-18 14:49:54 AFP Alex Forbes Eq hldgs Ltd 5000 1440 R72 288,00 Pending  

Dividend History, if a dividend is missing please go here

LDTCodeNameNo. of sharesDividend per shareTotal dividend
2013-07-12 OMN OMNIA HOLDINGS LTD 1000 270.00 R2 700,00
2013-09-27 MMI MMI Holdings Limited 1000 76.00 R760,00
2013-10-11 CPI CAPITEC BANK HLDGS LTD 500 203.00 R1 015,00
2013-11-12 CML CORONATION FUND MNGRS LD 1500 253.00 R3 795,00